

Release Party and Reading for Flávia Rocha's Nature Talk

Release Party and Reading for Flávia Rocha's Nature Talk, just released from Carbonation Press, afterword by Endi Bogue Hartigan. Hosted by Carbonation Press’ editor Greg Bem. Flávia Rocha will be reading with poets Virna Teixeira, Endi Bogue Hartigan, Rhea Melina, Zachary Charles and Paul E. Nelson.

I’m honored to have written the afterword for this beautiful bilingual selection, written originally in Portuguese, and available for the first time to English readers.

this Sunday, Feb 23 via ZOOM: @12 PM PST, 3PM EST, 17h Horário de Brasília. See details and zoom link in the Facebook event here.

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Portland State University Creative Writing Program series- Rob Schlegel and Endi Bogue Hartigan Reading

Poetry Reading at Portland State University Creative Writing Program - Rob Schlegel and Endi Bogue Hartigan

6pm, Smith Memorial Student Union 333

The event is free and open to the public.

A recent James Merrill House Fellow, Rob Schlegel is the author of The Lesser Fields (Center for Literary Publishing 2009), January Machine (Four Way Books 2014), and In the Tree Where the Double Sex Sleeps (University of Iowa Press 2019). His fourth collection, Childcare, was published in 2023 by Four Way Books. With the poets Daniel Poppick and Rawaan Alkhatib, he co-edits The Catenary Press. He currently lives in eastern Washington and teaches at Whitman College

Endi Bogue Hartigan's recent book oh orchid o’clock. released in 2023 from Omnidawn Publishing, explores histories of clock measure, temporal presence in today’s realities, and the impacts of our obsessions with time. Her work includes the chapbook the seaweed sd treble clef (Oxeye, 2021), a handmade chapbook of poems and photographs; the book Pool [5 choruses] (Omnidawn, 2014) which was selected for the 2014 Omnidawn Open Poetry Book Prize; One Sun Storm (Center for Literary Publishing, 2008) which was selected for the Colorado Prize for Poetry; and the chapbook out of the flowering ribs in collaboration with visual artist Linda Hutchins. Her work has also appeared in numerous journals and in collaborative projects with artists and writers. More on her work is at

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Spare Room Reading Series in Portland, Oregon: Consuelo Wise, Dao Strom, and Endi Bogue Hartigan

Spare Room and Passages Bookshop present a reading and book launch featuring

Consuelo Wise
Dao Strom
Endi Bogue Hartigan

Saturday, June 10
7:30 pm

Passages Bookshop
1801 NW Upshur, Suite 660

Doors open at 7:00 pm; no late entry
Free admission

Copies of Endi Bogue Hartigan’s oh orchid o’clock will be available for purchase.

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Consuelo Wise is a Guatemalan-American poet, writer, and instructor. She grew up in Northern California near the Mattole, Eel River, and Sinkyone. She is currently teaching in the graduate and undergraduate programs at Portland State. Her first book, b o y, is forthcoming from Omnidawn Publishing in 2024.

Dao Strom is an artist who works with three “voices”—written, sung, visual—to explore hybridity and the intersection of personal and collective histories. She is the author of several hybrid works, including the poetry-art collection, Instrument, and its musical companion, Traveler’s Ode; a bilingual poetry-art book, You Will Always Be Someone From Somewhere Else; and two books of fiction, The Gentle Order of Girls and Boys and Grass Roof, Tin Roof. Her work also includes music/poetry performance, installation, and two collaborative art projects, She Who Has No Master(s) and de-canon. A graduate of the Iowa Writers Workshop, Strom was born in Vietnam and lives in Portland, Oregon. / IG: @herandthesea

Endi Bogue Hartigan will be reading from her new book oh orchid o’clock (Omnidawn Publishing), which explores clock measure, temporal presence in today’s realities, and impacts of our obsessions with time and instrumentation. She is author of the seaweed sd treble clef (Oxyeye Press), a chapbook of poems and photographs; the poetry book Pool [5 choruses] (Omnidawn); the collaborative chapbook out of the flowering ribs (Linda Hutchins and EBH); and One Sun Storm (Center for Literary Publishing). Her poetry has appeared in numerous journals and in collaborative projects. She lives in Portland, and more on her work is at

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Poetry Reading in Williamsburg, Massachusetts: Shanta Lee, Rachel Hinkel-Wang, Endi Bogue Hartigan

Poetry Reading, Williamsburg, MA: Shanta Lee, Rachel Hinkel-Wang, Endi Bogue Hartigan

Shanta Lee’s latest illustrated poetry collection, Black Metamorphoses (Etruscan Press, 2023) is a work that Lee describes as a 2,000+ year-old phone line opened to Ovid, as well as an interrogation of the Greek mythos, while creating her own new language in this work.  Lee is also author of GHETTOCLAUSTROPHOBIA: Dreamin of Mama While Trying to Speak Woman in Woke Tongues (Diode Editions, 2021). Lee is also a multidisciplinary artist who works in photography and other mediums. More about her work is at

Rachel Hinkel-Wang has an MFA in Fiction from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She has won awards for her fiction and poetry and has published stories with McSweeney’s and Burrow Press. She lives in Ashfield, MA with her husband, two kids, and nine ducks.

Endi Bogue Hartigan's latest book oh orchid o’clock (Omnidawn Publishing, 2023) explores clock measure, temporal presence in today’s realities, and sensory impacts of our obsession with time. She is author of two other full-length books of poetry—Pool [5 choruses] (Omnidawn, 2014) and One Sun Storm (Center for Literary Publishing, 2018)—as well as two chapbooks, work in journals, and collaborative creative work with artists and writers in the Pacific Northwest. She lives in Portland, Oregon. More about her work is at

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Endi Bogue Hartigan and Flávia Rocha in conversation

Endi Bogue Hartigan and Flávia Rocha in conversation

Join us in celebration of the launch of oh orchid o’clock (Omnidawn Publishing, 2023) by Endi Bogue Hartigan who will introduce her new collection. She will be joined by Brazilian poet Flávia Rocha, who will read from her most recent book Exosfera. Enjoy an evening of lyric investigations into space, time, our time, and orchids, followed by a short discussion and Q&A.

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Superposition: off-site reading during AWP, Seattle

Superposition: offsite reading during Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) Conference, 2023. Also see details on AWP offsite reading schedule.

One poetry reading in two locations simultaneously. Quantumically umbilicaled by projector and Google Meet. Featuring: Alex Mattraw, Endi Bogue Hartigan, Shadab Zeest Hashmi, Paul Nelson, Justine Chan, Greg Bem, Eric M. Acosta, Sky O'Brien, Ricardo Ruiz, Lara de la Rosa, Irving Ayala, and Amy Hirayama.

Bulldog News & Café, 4208 University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105

Casa de Xolo, 3418 Fremont Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103 (Endi will be reading here)

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The Entanglements Network - Readings and Performances, off-site event during AWP, Seattle

The Entanglements Network - Readings and Performances, off-site event during AWP, Seattle

The Entanglements Network: offsite reading and performance during Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) Conference, 2023. Also see details on AWP offsite reading schedule.

Rabbit Box Theater, Pike Place Market, Seattle.

Poetry and multimodal literary art by members of The Entanglements Network, a global collective of transdisciplinary writers, artists, scholars, and scientists who engage cutting-edge science and technology. Readings and performances by Vidhu Aggarwal, Madhur Anand, Rae Armantrout, Amy Catanzano, John Cayley, Endi Bogue Hartigan, Kelly Krumrie, Nick Monfort, Redell Olsen, Ed Roberson, and Edwin Torres.

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speCt books/ Omnidawn off-site reading during AWP, Seattle

speCt books/ Omnidawn off-site reading during AWP, Seattle

speCt books/Omnidawn: offsite reading during Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) Conference, 2023. Featuring: Claire Marie Stancek, Endi Bogue Hartigan, Ewa Chrusciel, Laura Woltag, and Lo Ferris

Arundel Books, Seattle, Details:

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to Dec 31

Past Readings 2021 and earlier

December 5, 2021, Siren Nation Speaks: Poetry Reading and Process Talk with Dao Strom and Michele Glazer.

July 18, 2021, Reading and Book Launch, Spare Room Reading Series at Outside Inn Gallery, Portland, Oregon, with Allison Cobb, Yukiyo Kawano, and Jesse Morse.

April 15, 2021. Margin Shift, Seattle, virtual reading with Summer J. Hart, Luther Hughes, and Mita Mahato.

January 31, 2021. Poets Benefit for Peformance Works NW, Portland, Spare Room and Passages Bookshop, virtual reading & performance with Mark Owens, Maryrose Larkin, Laura Feldman, Chris Piuma, David Abel, Joseph Bradshaw, Sam Lohmann, James Yeary, Jen Coleman, Chris Ashby.

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the seaweed sd treble clef -


Oxeye Press has kindly printed more copies of my 2021 chapbook the seaweed sd treble clef. If you missed this, please consider ordering one and supporting this wonderful press.

Order from Oxeye Press here


oh orchid o’clcok


I'm delighted to have a new full-length collection forthcoming in spring 2023 from Omnidawn Publishing more soon on this!